We bring you the best range of theme/combo hamper for you to curate !
This is how you can go about curating your own Combo Box:
Add a brief description (if you need any specific theme, you must mention in description) provide your approximate budget & age of receiver, click on buy now.
How do we process your order?
After your order is placed, our curator team will contact you within 2 or (latest) 3 working days on WhatsApp/Video call/Facetime and show you the combo customized as per your requirement.
You can make changes (if any) to the curated combo. You can add/edit/modify/reduce/change any items or variants as per your requirement.
Once the order is confirmed and approved by you, it will be packed and dispatched to your address. You can ask our curator to gift wrap it, add a personalized note or get it done in any way as per your requirement.
How does the payment system work?
Payment is done in 2 steps
Step 1-Â At the time of placing this order, you are required to pay Rs.500 booking amount only (irrespective of the budget of your combo). This is non refundable and is to be paid via Online payment only (Net Banking, Card payment, UPI, wallet payment).
Step 2- After your order is confirmed by you, our team will inform you the final amount including shipping. Rs.500 is adjusted in the final bill. The balance amount can again be paid online by you.
Q: How much time does it take to process the order?
A: Usually the curation is completed in 2-3 working days, depending on the number of changes you make and when you approve it. Once approved, you should get it within 5-7 working days or earlier according to your location (India).
Q: How does the pricing work?
A: Combo curation calculation is slightly different than normal products curation calculation. Prices may be same or lesser than website prices. For orders of higher value, you automatically get a discount.
Q: Whether the combo which is newly curated, can be of mixed characters or specific theme ?
A: Newly curated combo can be your own choice either mixed or themed combo (based on the product suits your budget).
Q: What if I don’t like anything your curator shows me?
A: In the unlikely scenario that you don’t like anything that we show you, we can issue a gift coupon of Rs.500 you have paid which can be used by you anytime on this website in the coming 6 months. There will be no refund of the booking amount.
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